Let’s clear the path to the intimacy that truly fits you.
Hi! I’m Dina.
I work with individuals and couples to navigate the complexities of intimacy, desire and sexual health.
Whether you’re facing sexual dysfunction, lack of desire, or seeking to strengthen your relationships, I offer a space for you to explore and understand your unique journey.
Together, we will uncover what might be blocking your path to a more fulfilling life; emotionally, sexually, and relationally.
Decrease in desire
Pain during intercourse
Erectile dysfunction
Vaginismus, Anismus
Premature ejaculation
Sexual health, prevention and education
Vulvodynia, Vestibulodynia
Body image
Self-esteem in intimacy and relationships
Relationship issues (desire gap, communication…)
Sexual obsessions
Porn addiction
Infertility and going through ART (PMA)
Pregnancy and post-partum
Chronic disease and intimacy
(diabetes, cancer, MP,…)

“Sex can be deeply wounding,
and sex can be deeply healing.”
— Esther Perel
my philosophy
My ultimate belief, the one that guides my work every day, is that everybody can:
• have a fulfilling intimate and sexual life,
• feel good in their body,
• experience love and connection,
• build deep, meaningful, and safe relationships.
Let’s uncover what’s standing in your way.
Individual Session
In-person & online
~50 minutes
Couples Session
In-person & online
~80 minutes
Free discovery call
Phone consultation
~15 minutes
Free of charge
Feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions. I’ll be happy to hear from you!